Sunday, March 31, 2013

New place new plants and more

I feel that in the past 2 years my life has taken me all over the place. I try and stick to one thing and the more I hold on the more I get pushed back. Oh it's nothing bad, I'm speaking more in terms of making a permanent home.
So I moved to MO, had a house by the lake then moved to my boyfriends mothers house and now I'm in the heart and soul of Kansas City in some type of old brick building you'd find in NYC for the price of a house, but not having to pay that absurd amount.
It's clean and cozy and I get to start from scratch.
I have been reluctant to get back into blogging, as I had began to post almost daily a few years ago when I started, I began to make connections with beautiful people who shared the same views or aesthetics In life. Then I started to drift away and completely stopped blogging or reading other blogs.
I miss that, maybe it's winter that makes it painful to dress up and blog about your day, whatever it is, I feel happy to be back.
I started reading some other blogs today and I felt warm and fuzzy all over again, like when you discover something for the first time.
I treated myself to a better camera and slowly started to play around with it. It's sort of sporadic the way my moods take me to picking up the camera and taking pictures, but this last set I had fun and I'm very pleased with , enough to share them.
Hoping my new designs will emerge if I keep this blogging thing up....