Monday, March 8, 2010

Golden Age

The greatest thing about all this rain we have had recently in Southern CA .
How nature thrives with just enough water and sun! I know, it's not a hard concept but after being used to virtually no rain year after year it really amazes you what it can bring. My climb up to this patch of poppies was a very tiresome one but very rewarding . I have just realised even more so how brilliant these colors are and how fun it would be to create several dresses and even skirt sets with just these two colors.
My next sole project will be just that, a few pieces inspired by these beautiful Poppies!


  1. so strange that this cute little patch of poppies were growing out in the middle of nowhere- waiting to be seen & become a muse to someone. the rain does make this drab city bloom indeed! :O)

  2. Oh I love your blog! Keep on posting pls.
